The form above will register you for access to library assets both print and electronic. There are two ways to submit the form: 1.) You can print out a copy and bring the completed and signed form to the library's Circulation Desk for processing between 0730 and 1630, Monday-Friday. OR, 2.) You can fill out the form online, apply your digital signature and submit it via email to AFRL Proxy Accounts. If you experience any difficulties please don't hesitate to contact us:
AFRL Library virtual reference desk: or 937-938-4238
This guide to library resources is filled with suggestions of material that may be of interest to researchers in RXA or RXC.
This guide to library resources is filled with suggestions of material that may be of interest to researchers in RXM or RXS.
For users new to RX, this guide will help you become acquainted with the D'Azzo Library website.
Books of Interest: