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AFRL Research Librarian

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Lindsay Kotouch
AFRL D'Azzo Research Library (AFRL/RQWL)
Area B, Bldg. 642, Rm. 1300
2950 Hobson Way
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7765

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AFRL Library virtual reference desk: or 937-938-4238

Other Library Guides of Interest

Library Guides of Interest:

This guide to library resources is filled with suggestions of material that may be of interest to researchers in RXA or RXC.

This guide to library resources is filled with suggestions of material that may be of interest to researchers in RXM or RXS. 

For users new to RX, this guide will help you become acquainted with the D'Azzo Library website. 

Reading Corner

Books of Interest:

Sustainable Nanoscale Engineering:

Sustainable Nanoscale Engineering: From Materials Design to Chemical Processing presents the latest on the design of nanoscale materials and their applications in sustainable chemical production processes. The newest achievements of materials science, in particular nanomaterials, opened new opportunities for chemical engineers to design more efficient, safe, compact and environmentally benign processes. These materials include metal-organic frameworks, graphene, membranes, imprinted polymers, polymers of intrinsic microporosity, nanoparticles, and nanofilms, to name a few.

Chemical Analysis and Material Characterization by Spectrophotometry

Chemical Analysis and Material Characterization by Spectrophotometry integrates and presents the latest known information and examples from the most up-to-date literature on the use of this method for chemical analysis or materials characterization. Accessible to various levels of expertise, everyone from students, to practicing analytical and industrial chemists, the book covers both the fundamentals of spectrophotometry and instrumental procedures for quantitative analysis with spectrophotometric techniques.

Electronic Materials

Electronic Materials is an essential reference for newcomers to the field of electronics, providing a fundamental understanding of important basic and advanced concepts in electronic materials science. It provides important overview of the fundamentals of electronic materials properties significant for device applications along with advanced and applied concepts essential to those working in the field of electronics, and Interweaves modern experimental data and research in topics such as nanophysics, nanomaterials and dielectrics.

Radiation Technology for Advanced Materials

Radiation Technology for Advanced Materials aims to bridge the gap between researchers and industry, describing current uses and future prospects. It describes the mature radiation processing technology used in preparing heat shrinkable materials and in wire and cable materials, giving commercial cases. It also illustrates future applications, including high-performance fibers, special self-lubricating materials, special ultra-fine powder materials, civil fibers, natural polymeric materials, battery separator membranes, special filtration materials and metallic nanomaterials.


Databases of Interest:

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